Contribute To The Future Of Sustainable Fashion With These Baby Steps

It feels like the industry has been dragging its feet while attempting to catch up since sustainability began to permeate into our regular conversations about fashion. Fashion manufacturers have ironically, according to Refinery29, increased their green output and inserted keywords into every other Instagram caption and product listing in a sheepish effort to hide earlier neglect. It might be one of the factors behind the widespread question of sustainable fashion's future.

Nowadays, we are so used to the emergence of production. Clothes are always in stock, whether or not people need it. Change the season, remove the treason. If this current trend continues, the fashion industry may account for a quarter of the planet's carbon budget by 2050. Of course, as people who are environmentally woke, we would never imagine letting the world see this travesty. We need change.

Before we start, let us jog your memory as to what sustainable fashion really means and why it is so important to apply. “Sustainable fashion is an all-inclusive term describing products, processes, activities, and actors aiming to achieve a carbon-neutral fashion industry, built on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity,” says The Vou.

This concept concerns more than just addressing textiles. Rather, it strengthens the point that in this industry, the living of those directly working or affected shall also be assured.

     1. Support ethical brands
Ask the basic questions: what, who, where. What are the materials contained or incorporated in making this? Who made this? Where was this made? By being conscious, you are already making so much change.

     2.Sell, donate, or rewear
Make sure that your clothes have a second life. While it still is possible to repair, you can create a new life for it and the people wearing it. Donate to your nearest shelter or alter it to a pillowcase – your choice!

     3. Voice your actions
People say that action speaks louder than words. But, if you’re doing something great, then don’t be scared to raise awareness through speaking. Let your family and friends be familiar with ethical fashion and watch change unfold.

What are your personal efforts? Let us know!

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