PRLA Gives Back–A Special Collaboration to Support Sustainable Nature
The earth is a home for every living thing that exists. It is our duty as people who put our feet on the precious earth and live various stories in it. Moreover, it has become a need for us to maintain the sustainability of nature because it is, for sure, also beneficial for us and countless other living things.
Infinite natural resources and numerous kinds of entertaining natural beauty are gifts that we should all cherish. Thankfully, plenty of efforts have been made to prevent more harm to nature.

In the fashion world, fashion production makes up 10% of humanity's carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams. This saddening fact makes us determined to make a change through every means. As a brand, we make sure that we match the high environmental and transparency standards. Asides from using the best eco-friendly material like TENCEL™ textiles, we are also undertaking another unique endeavor.
This month, PRLA is collaborating with LindungiHutan (@lindungihutan), in order to support a meaningful campaign to protect the forest. LindungiHutan is a platform for afforestation campaigns, donation, education, and socialization. Many have been involved in this positive movement, and we want to take action as well.
Our attempt to join the movement is to plant the mangrove trees in Benoa Bay, Bali, beneficial to provide protection from natural disasters, preserve biodiversity, and provide a sustainable source of income for local residents. This area is included in the Conservation Area and the Government of Indonesia.
Why mangrove trees? Restoring mangroves means regaining an extremely productive ecosystem that acts as nursery grounds and an ideal habitat for a variety of plant and animal species. It also offers sustainable income for local communities and small-scale food producers. We believe that this is the right approach, as seen from how much the government manifested in this regeneration program.
So are you interested in joining the movement as well? Simply by purchasing one item, you are helping us to donate two mangroves trees. What a good opportunity to be a part of such a meaningful event, right? Join the hashtag #PRLALindungiHutan which literally means to help protect the forest and buy to donate the trees right away!